Discover our serotalin® products, specially developed for men, that provide targeted support in your everyday life. Whether for your hormone balance, more energy in everyday life or care from the inside out - our supplements offer you valuable nutrients, tailored to the needs of men. Find out how you can easily supplement your daily routine and specifically promote your well-being.

Won't let you down: The optimal nutritional support for men

As a man, you have special requirements for your health and performance. At serotalin® we offer you targeted solutions for the typical challenges of everyday life: from regulating a normal hormone balance in men to promoting vitality and special hair care for men.

Zinc plays a key role in this. And if you are now asking yourself: “What is zinc actually good for?”, then here are the areas of influence of zinc:

It contributes to the normal maintenance of

  • hair,
  • cognitive function,
  • Fertility,
  • testosterone levels,
  • Metabolism,
  • and much more


Our supplements are scientifically developed and combine the benefits of natural ingredients to promote your male well-being – without any synthetic additives.

In the MEN category you will find selected vitamins and supplements that are specifically tailored to the needs of men. Here you will find active MEN for natural testosterone support as well as active HAIR for targeted support of your hair - and many other products to adapt your daily routine to your needs.

Your daily routine: Hormone balance for every man's everyday life

A healthy hormone balance is crucial for men. Hormones not only influence physical performance and muscle mass, but also endurance and mental strength. A stable hormone balance can help you feel more energetic and focused - a crucial factor in successfully mastering everyday life.

However, your testosterone levels can become unbalanced due to stress, poor nutrition and lack of sleep. If this applies to you, you can support your hormone levels with appropriate nutritional supplements.

Men's products that support your normal hormone levels ideally contain zinc, which helps to keep testosterone levels in the blood within the normal range. A sufficient supply of zinc can act as a kind of "testosterone support". If you have a zinc deficiency, however, you may notice the following symptoms:

  • reduced libido
  • lack of energy
  • reduced muscle mass
  • reduced fertility
  • poorer sperm quality

For this reason, you should make sure you have an adequate zinc intake. This is where the testosterone supplement from serotalin® comes into play: active MEN.

active MEN: For more energy and endurance

active MEN is your daily companion to support physical fitness in everyday life and to bring your hormone levels into balance. With the specially developed formula with zinc and other power ingredients such as plant-based superfoods, active MEN brings your testosterone back into balance. It also containsserotalin® active MEN55 µg selenium, which supports sperm production. Vitamins such as vitamin D3, K2, A and E also strengthen muscle function and protect the body from oxidative stress.

With just two capsules a day, active MEN can be easily integrated into your routine to support male vitality in the long term – for energy in everyday life and your athletic performance.

Hair care from the inside out with active HAIR

Full, healthy hair is not only a sign of vitality, but also boosts every man’s HAIRwas specially developed to help men care for their hair from the inside out. The carefully developed formula combines important nutrients such as biotin, zinc and selenium, which contribute to the maintenance of normal hair.

In addition, active HAIR contains antioxidants such as vitamin C and zinc, which help protect cells from oxidative stress. The copper it contains also ensures normal hair pigmentation and helps to preserve the natural color of the hair. The combination of these micronutrients makes serotalin® active HAIR an ideal support for nourishing the hair from within.

Goodbye tiredness: Get through the day well with GENIUS BRAIN

Sometimes caffeine alone is not enough to keep your head clear and your energy constant. This is whereserotalin® GENIUS BRAINThe product consists of an innovative combination of vitamin B6, B12, L-tyrosine and other natural ingredients that support the normal function of the nervous system and reduce fatigue.

With this balanced blend, you can ensure that your brain has enough "fuel" to work effectively, even when performing demanding tasks. The caffeine combined with green tea extract helps you stay awake - without the side effects of synthetic stimulants.

GENIUS BRAIN is the ideal complement to the MEN category of serotalin® – for peak mental performance whenever you need it.

Stay up to date with new products!

Our MEN category is constantly growing and offers you everything you need to take your masculinity to the next level. Sign up for our newsletter and don't miss out on any new products, special offers or discounts.


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Nahrungsergänzung für dein Wohlbefinden

Produkte aus dem Glückslabor

Entdecke unsere Glücksprodukte für mehr Lebensqualität! Wir bei Serotalin® sind fest davon überzeugt, dass Glück und Wohlbefinden eng miteinander verbunden sind. Deshalb haben wir es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, Menschen dabei zu helfen, mehr Lebensfreude zu erleben. Mit unseren hochwertigen Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln möchten wir dir den entscheidenden Boost geben, um deine Energie, Motivation, Konzentration und Schlafqualität zu verbessern. Denn wir glauben daran, dass wahres Glück von innen kommt. So tragen unsere Glücksprodukte dazu bei, dass du dich glücklicher fühlst und dein volles Potenzial entfalten kannst.

Unsere Produkte sind sorgfältig entwickelt und basieren auf wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen. Sie sind das Ergebnis jahrelanger Forschung und Expertise. Wir legen großen Wert auf Qualität und verwenden nur hochwertige Inhaltsstoffe, um sicherzustellen, dass du das Beste für dein Wohlbefinden erhältst. Lass dich von uns auf deinem Weg zu einem erfüllten und glücklichen Leben begleiten. Unsere Glücksperten stehen dir gerne zur Seite, wenn du Fragen rund um unsere Produkte hast. Wir freuen uns, von dir zu hören! Erfahre hier mehr über uns und unsere Philosophie.