Zu wenig Tiefschlaf? Natürliche Wege, um deinen Tiefschlaf zu verbessern und mehr erholsamen Schlaf zu bekommen

#happy sleep

Too little deep sleep? Natural ways to improve your deep sleep and get more restful sleep

What happens if you don't get enough deep sleep? The effects can affect different aspects of your life. Let's optimize your deep sleep together.
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Biohacking für's Gehirn: So trickst du dich glücklich


Biohacking for the brain: How to cheat yourself happily

Trick Your Brain Happy: Discover the power of neurotransmitters and how you can positively influence your mood with simple biohacks.
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Jetlag - Ursachen und Tipps dagegen

#happy sleep

Jet lag - causes and tips against it

Jet lag when traveling? Does not have to be! We will tell you tips & tricks on how to avoid jet lag and which travel companion you should always have with you.
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Ständig müde? Müdigkeit verringern in nur 7 Tagen

#happy sleep

Constantly tired? Reduce fatigue in just 7 days

Find out here how to use the LIEBEN-Concept together with natural helpers to become more alert and fit in just 7 days.
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Was essen gegen Schlafstörung?

#happy sleep

What to eat for insomnia?

If you have a chronic insomnia, your health and well-being can suffer greatly. Get to know five foods that help you with insomnia.
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Warum wirkt Melatonin als Einschlafhilfe?

#happy sleep

Why does melatonin work as a sleep aid?

There are many reasons why we cannot fall asleep at night. Melatonin controls our sleep-wake cycle and is not known as the "sleep hormone" for nothing.
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Wie viel Melatonin zum Einschlafen?

#happy sleep

How much melatonin to fall asleep?

The hormone melatonin, produced in the pineal gland, controls the sleep-wake cycle and is of great importance for falling asleep. But how much of it do you need?
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Frau die in der Nacht wach im Bett liegt und nicht schlafen kann. Im Vordergrund steht ein Wecker.

#happy sleep

Sleep disorders and serotonin

For one in ten, poor sleep is the rule rather than the exception. We went in search of the connection between serotonin and good sleep.
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