GABA Formel



GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is one of the most important calming neurotransmitters and a natural relaxant and anti-stress agent.
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Prämenstruelle Dysphorische Störung (PMDS) - Eine Herausforderung für Frauen


Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) - A challenge for women

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a more severe form of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). Looking at your hormones and relaxation techniques may help.
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Progesteron bei PMS: Ein natürlicher Ansatz für Linderung


Progesterone in PMS: A Natural Approach to Relief

PMS includes physical and emotional symptoms before menstruation. Find out how the body's hormone progesterone can help you relieve PMS.
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Biohacking für's Gehirn: So trickst du dich glücklich


Biohacking for the brain: How to cheat yourself happily

Trick Your Brain Happy: Discover the power of neurotransmitters and how you can positively influence your mood with simple biohacks.
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Schlecht drauf? Natürliche Stimmungsaufheller rezeptfrei


In a bad mood? 4 natural mood enhancers

Natural mood enhancers like St. John's Wort and 5-HTP not only increase your serotonin levels but are also non-addictive compared to antidepressants.
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Was verursacht Stimmungsschwankungen?


What Causes Mood Swings?

Mood swings can have many causes. Learn more about the most common causes, as well as treatment options and tips for prevention.
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Burnout: 4 Anzeichen und 11 Dinge, die man dagegen tun kann


Burnout: 4 signs and 11 things you can do about it

Get out of burnout! How do you recognize it and what can you do about it? Here are 11 tips for you on how to avoid burnout and how to recover from it.
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Was essen gegen schlechte Laune?


What food calms your mood?

A bad mood can be alleviated by a healthy diet with plenty of vitamins and nutrients. Would you like to know our top 6 happy mood foods?
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Was essen gegen innere Unruhe?


What to eat against inner restlessness?

There are many causes of inner restlessness, but the right diet can sometimes alleviate restlessness. Asparagus, turmeric and co. support you here.
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Was essen gegen Stress?


What to eat against stress?

Eating the right diet can help prevent the after-effects of chronic stress. Meet five delicious anti-stress foods.
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Kann man GABA messen


Can GABA be measured?

A lack of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid can have negative consequences such as health problems. Unfortunately, GABA levels are not very easy to measure.
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Wo kommt GABA vor


Where does GABA occur naturally?

Did you know that GABA is almost entirely absent from food? We'll tell you tricks you can use to help your body produce GABA itself.
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