Serotonin Formel



Serotonin is called the "happiness hormone" for good reason, because it influences our well-being and our performance, among other things.
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Discover the power of 5-HTP, the precursor to serotonin. The natural miracle cure can alleviate a wide range of ailments and increase well-being.
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Prämenstruelle Dysphorische Störung (PMDS) - Eine Herausforderung für Frauen


Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) - A challenge for women

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a more severe form of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). Looking at your hormones and relaxation techniques may help.
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Progesteron bei PMS: Ein natürlicher Ansatz für Linderung


Progesterone in PMS: A Natural Approach to Relief

PMS includes physical and emotional symptoms before menstruation. Find out how the body's hormone progesterone can help you relieve PMS.
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Biohacking für's Gehirn: So trickst du dich glücklich


Biohacking for the brain: How to cheat yourself happily

Trick Your Brain Happy: Discover the power of neurotransmitters and how you can positively influence your mood with simple biohacks.
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Wie äußert sich ein Serotoninmangel?


How does a serotonin deficiency manifest itself?

In this blog post you will find out how a serotonin deficiency manifests itself and how it can be regulated
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In welchem Essen ist viel Dopamin enthalten


In which food is there a lot of dopamine?

In order to avoid a dopamine deficiency, it is important that your dopamine levels are always in balance. These foods will help you with that.
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Was essen gegen Frühjahrsmüdigkeit


What to eat against spring fatigue

Declare war on spring fatigue and give yourself a boost with the right foods. So you can enjoy spring to the fullest!
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Was essen gegen Antriebslosigkeit?


What to eat for listlessness?

Sometimes we feel exhausted, tired and drained and don't feel like being active in any way. These four foods provide you with new energy.
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Was essen gegen Traurigkeit?


What to eat when you're sad, anxious or angry

Chocolate for sadness? Everyone has probably heard of this before. Here are five foods you should definitely try when you're feeling low.
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Was essen gegen Winterdepression?


What to eat against winter depression?

Our diet affects our well-being. Some foods put you in a good mood and can reduce the symptoms of winter blues.
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Was essen gegen Angst?


What to eat against fear?

Some scientific studies show that certain foods can specifically help against anxiety, anxiety and panic attacks.
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