Frau die in der Nacht wach im Bett liegt und nicht schlafen kann. Im Vordergrund steht ein Wecker.

#happy sleep

Sleep disorders and serotonin

For one in ten, poor sleep is the rule rather than the exception. We went in search of the connection between serotonin and good sleep.
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Du hast schon vom Serotoninmangel gehört?


You've heard of serotonin deficiency?

When there is a very low concentration of serotonin in the body, it is called serotonin deficiency. But how does he express himself and what can you do about it?
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Glücksrezept - saftiges Bananenbrot


Lucky recipe - juicy banana bread

Food containing tryptophan packed in a delicious way! This banana bread made from wholemeal spelled flour with crunchy walnuts and low-fat quark is a delicious serotonin booster.

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Glutamat Formel



Glutamate is known as a flavor enhancer. But it can do so much more, for example increasing the willingness to learn, memory and sensory perception.
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Noradrenalin Formel



Norepinephrine is a messenger substance that is closely related to adrenaline and is synthesized by the body. It acts both as a stress hormone and as a neurotransmitter.
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Endorphin Formel



Endorphins increase or maintain our well-being by relieving pain and anxiety, among other things. A lack of endorphin can have serious consequences.
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happiness research

Research shows that not only does being happier make you feel better - it also has many health benefits. How can happiness make you healthier?
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