Wie kann man GABA erhöhen?


How to increase GABA?

A low GABA level can, among other things, cause discomfort, which can significantly affect the quality of life. This is how you increase your GABA levels naturally.
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Wie kann man den Serotoninspiegel messen?


How to measure the serotonin level?

A serotonin deficiency or excess can have negative consequences for health and well-being. There are several methods to determine serotonin levels.
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Kann man zu viel Serotonin haben?


Can you have too much serotonin?

Too high a serotonin level can be dangerous and cause the so-called serotonin syndrome. Here you can find out what needs to be taken into account.
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Was ist das Serotonin-Syndrom?


What is serotonin syndrome?

Serotonin syndrome is the result of too high a level of serotonin. You can read here how you can recognize it, how likely it is and what you can do about it.
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Wie kann man den Serotoninspiegel erhöhen


How to increase the level of serotonin

Serotonin not only has a positive effect on mood, but also fulfills many other important tasks in the body. For this, enough of the "happiness hormone" must be available in the body.
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Was reguliert Serotonin?


What regulates serotonin?

Serotonin is involved in numerous processes in the body. Most of it is found in the gastrointestinal tract, where it regulates many processes and functions.
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Was regt die Serotoninproduktion an?


What stimulates serotonin production?

In order to keep serotonin levels in the normal range, it is important that the body produces enough serotonin on a regular basis. This is how you can boost serotonin production.
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Was bedeutet ein niedriger Serotoninspiegel?


What does a low serotonin level mean?

If the serotonin level is too low, certain processes cannot be carried out properly and symptoms can arise. But you can counter that.
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Was baut Serotonin ab?


What breaks down serotonin?

The body can reduce or break down serotonin itself with the help of enzymes. In addition, there are two other processes that lower the serotonin level.
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Wie gelangt Serotonin ins Gehirn?


How does serotonin enter the brain?

You've probably heard of the blood-brain barrier, a kind of protective barrier in the brain that serotonin cannot cross and therefore has to be formed directly in the brain.
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Was hemmt Serotonin?


What inhibits serotonin?

In order to keep the effect of serotonin longer, there are so-called serotonin inhibitors, which prevent the re-absorption or storage of serotonin.
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Was passiert wenn der Serotoninspiegel zu hoch ist?


What happens when serotonin levels are too high?

Too much serotonin in the body can have serious, even fatal, consequences. This is how you recognize the first signs of an excessively high serotonin level, the so-called serotonin syndrome.
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