Was verursacht Stimmungsschwankungen?


What Causes Mood Swings?

Mood swings can have many causes. Learn more about the most common causes, as well as treatment options and tips for prevention.
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Ständig müde? Müdigkeit verringern in nur 7 Tagen

#happy sleep

Constantly tired? Reduce fatigue in just 7 days

Find out here how to use the LIEBEN-Concept together with natural helpers to become more alert and fit in just 7 days.
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Burnout: 4 Anzeichen und 11 Dinge, die man dagegen tun kann


Burnout: 4 signs and 11 things you can do about it

Get out of burnout! How do you recognize it and what can you do about it? Here are 11 tips for you on how to avoid burnout and how to recover from it.
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Was essen gegen Frühjahrsmüdigkeit


What to eat against spring fatigue

Declare war on spring fatigue and give yourself a boost with the right foods. So you can enjoy spring to the fullest!
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Was essen gegen Antriebslosigkeit?


What to eat for listlessness?

Sometimes we feel exhausted, tired and drained and don't feel like being active in any way. These four foods provide you with new energy.
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Was essen gegen Traurigkeit?


What to eat when you're sad, anxious or angry

Chocolate for sadness? Everyone has probably heard of this before. Here are five foods you should definitely try when you're feeling low.
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Was essen gegen Winterdepression?


What to eat against winter depression?

Our diet affects our well-being. Some foods put you in a good mood and can reduce the symptoms of winter blues.
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Was essen gegen Angst?


What to eat against fear?

Some scientific studies show that certain foods can specifically help against anxiety, anxiety and panic attacks.
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Was essen gegen schlechte Laune?


What food calms your mood?

A bad mood can be alleviated by a healthy diet with plenty of vitamins and nutrients. Would you like to know our top 6 happy mood foods?
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Was essen gegen Schlafstörung?

#happy sleep

What to eat for insomnia?

If you have a chronic insomnia, your health and well-being can suffer greatly. Get to know five foods that help you with insomnia.
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Was essen gegen innere Unruhe?


What to eat against inner restlessness?

There are many causes of inner restlessness, but the right diet can sometimes alleviate restlessness. Asparagus, turmeric and co. support you here.
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Was essen gegen Stress?


What to eat against stress?

Eating the right diet can help prevent the after-effects of chronic stress. Meet five delicious anti-stress foods.
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