Testosteron und Libido: Revitalisiere deine sexuelle Vitalität!


Testosterone and libido: revitalize your sexual vitality!

There are several approaches to naturally promote testosterone production and thus increase libido: Find out what else helps besides stress management and nutrition.
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Serotonin Formel



Serotonin is called the "happiness hormone" for good reason, because it influences our well-being and our performance, among other things.
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Discover the power of 5-HTP, the precursor to serotonin. The natural miracle cure can alleviate a wide range of ailments and increase well-being.
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GABA Formel



GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is one of the most important calming neurotransmitters and a natural relaxant and anti-stress agent.
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Zu wenig Tiefschlaf? Natürliche Wege, um deinen Tiefschlaf zu verbessern und mehr erholsamen Schlaf zu bekommen

#happy sleep

Too little deep sleep? Natural ways to improve your deep sleep and get more restful sleep

What happens if you don't get enough deep sleep? The effects can affect different aspects of your life. Let's optimize your deep sleep together.
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Prämenstruelle Dysphorische Störung (PMDS) - Eine Herausforderung für Frauen


Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) - A challenge for women

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a more severe form of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). Looking at your hormones and relaxation techniques may help.
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Progesteron bei PMS: Ein natürlicher Ansatz für Linderung


Progesterone in PMS: A Natural Approach to Relief

PMS includes physical and emotional symptoms before menstruation. Find out how the body's hormone progesterone can help you relieve PMS.
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Biohacking für's Gehirn: So trickst du dich glücklich


Biohacking for the brain: How to cheat yourself happily

Trick Your Brain Happy: Discover the power of neurotransmitters and how you can positively influence your mood with simple biohacks.
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Wie äußert sich ein Serotoninmangel?


How does a serotonin deficiency manifest itself?

In this blog post you will find out how a serotonin deficiency manifests itself and how it can be regulated
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Schlecht drauf? Natürliche Stimmungsaufheller rezeptfrei


In a bad mood? 4 natural mood enhancers

Natural mood enhancers like St. John's Wort and 5-HTP not only increase your serotonin levels but are also non-addictive compared to antidepressants.
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In welchem Essen ist viel Dopamin enthalten


In which food is there a lot of dopamine?

In order to avoid a dopamine deficiency, it is important that your dopamine levels are always in balance. These foods will help you with that.
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Jetlag - Ursachen und Tipps dagegen

#happy sleep

Jet lag - causes and tips against it

Jet lag when traveling? Does not have to be! We will tell you tips & tricks on how to avoid jet lag and which travel companion you should always have with you.
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